Get Ready for the Crowds
The festive season is nearly upon us – so now is the perfect time to think about your service procedures.
Will you be able to serve consistently high-quality coffee quickly? Could you make any improvements to your service procedures or equipment?
For example, making use of filter equipment and water boilers can help reduce the strain on espresso machines, or perhaps you could use decaf capsules to speed up service?
Now is also the best time to carry out some quick checks on your espresso machine:
Filters: Check by holding up to the light and seeing if all holes are clear and free from build-up.
Shower Screens: These should be replaced if they are clogged or damaged.
Gaskets: These become hardened due to the high temperatures they have to withstand. Check to ensure they retain their elasticity. Replace where necessary.
Filter Holders: These should be replaced if the handles become significantly off to the right of centre.
And don't forget your grinder - get rid of stale coffee waste using these grinder cleaning tablets