Free On Loan Espresso Machines
Ideal for business' with a proven track record of coffee bean purchases exceeding 12kg per month. We can provide you with a Free on Loan espresso machine package including grinder and accessories. Servicing, breakdown cover and training are included as a starter pack and barista kit.
12kg of coffee delivered every month from £358.80, additional coffee available at a discounted price.
Get in touch for more information.
Other Deals

Event Rental
Rent one of our exceptional commercial coffee machines, available for periods starting from just one day. Our streamlined service encompasses delivery, installation, and convenient machine collection, all tailored to your schedule.
Event Rental
Monthly Rental
Get an espresso machine on a monthly rolling contract, you'll get maintenance, breakdown cover, servicing and training all included in the price.
Monthly Rental
If you want to spread the cost of your espresso machine then hire purchase could be the perfect option for you. Spread the cost of your purchase over 3 to 5 years giving you the opportunity to make a profit from your coffee machine straight away.