Why are reviews important to a business?
We all read reviews on a regular basis, usually because they are funny or just plain bad (at least I do!). However, have you ever wondered how useful reviews can be? Maybe you already have reviews set up on your website or via google but do you use these to drive your business?
People love to leave reviews, although not always great, reviews can give you much needed feedback. Maybe you are excelling in every area bar one, a negative review can help you identify that issue so you can remedy it as soon as possible. Maybe one employee is going above and beyond for your customers, having the feedback can help you make sure the employee gets the recognition they deserve.
Reviews can help potential customers decide if they would like to use that company or product themselves. By setting up a way to allow feedback you are creating a communication with your customers. They can report a negative experience but that also gives you the chance to respond. A lot of the time a response to a negative comment can resolve the situation and show potential customers that you take customer experience seriously.
Though negative reviews can knock your confidence they also highlight an issue which you can fix immediately. You must remember not everyone will have a flawless experience, it is the way you handle the criticism that really counts and shows what kind of business you are.
Verde coffee has reviews on google and through Ekomi, when an online purchase is made an email is sent out from Ekomi asking for a review. This can be of the product or the service. We also welcome reviews on our Facebook page.
Throughout August our Ekomi reviews have all been 5 stars, we are extremely grateful for all our customers who have taken the time to write such fantastic reviews.
Should you wish to leave us a review please go to our google page, or Facebook page, any feedback is beneficial to helping us grow our business and provide excellent customer service and quality products to our customers.