A barista quality coffee at home
Since the start of the pandemic we’ve seen an increase in demand for smaller bags of coffee for home use, as more people are working from home and can’t visit their local coffee shop, and they’re desperate for a proper cup of coffee.
We listened and now stock 227g bags of our delicious Verde Coffee! Available as either whole bean or omni-ground (a grind that sits between filter and cafetiere so it’s suitable for both).
The new smaller bags will also feature our new-look branding and tasting notes, making them perfect for over-the-counter sales when coffee shops open again.
Check out the new selection here https://verdecoffee.co.uk/collections/coffee
We also stock cafetieres and one pot filter machines to complete your home set-up.
All Verde coffee beans are Rainforest Alliance certified (apart from our decaf blend which is Fairtrade). The rainforest seal means that the certified product or ingredient was produced using methods that support the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Independent, third-party auditors evaluate farmers against requirements in all three areas before awarding certification.