What is this big buzz over CBD and Coffee?
If you have been reading all the coffee or hospitality trade magazines lately you would probably have noticed one or two articles about the benefits of using CBD shots in coffee, tea and smoothies.
Many brands have now ventured into the CBD infused coffee market, with a few different companies showing up on Dragon’s Den, coffee festivals and trade shows.
Having read so many articles and seen how businesses and customers are responding to these products we have decided to take a little look ourselves.
CBD has a common misconception; people assume it’s just to get high! HOWEVER, this is not the case with legal CBD consumable products – sorry!
CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is a natural compound found in Cannabis and Hemp. The compound which is responsible for the ‘high’ is THC, which is in such a low dosage it is un-detectable therefore deeming the product “exceptionally safe” by the WHO.
I am sure by now everyone has heard how CBD products can help people in different ways, but this differs significantly between different people. Therefore no ‘approved’ health claims can be proven or promoted.
We wanted to try it for ourselves though and see if it could be something our customers would like to try too.
Once we had received our samples, we fired up our Ottima 2.0 and set to work creating some much-anticipated hot drinks. Opting to try a shot of CBD One Shot in multiple drinks we chose a Latte, Americano, and a Hot Chocolate.
Described as colourless and odourless, the CBD One Shot did not affect our drinks taste at all, we still could taste the mild acidity of our Belaroma and the sweet chocolate from our pure continental.
The effects varied depending on our own personal needs, but we all agreed it is a fantastic product and we can see why people are going crazy over it. One thing is for sure this is NOT just a trend, and it will be around for a very long time.
If you would like to find out more please give us an email and we will be happy to send out some product information.