Coffee Capsules for the Commercial Market
Coffee Capsules
The coffee capsule started life as a luxury item for the home market. They have since been designed to use with traditional espresso machines, with many companies now offering their own version of the capsule, with biodegradable versions now becoming popular. The coffee capsule offers many advantages for the professional user. Here's some common questions we are often asked about coffee capsules for the commercial market:

Q What is the difference between a capsule and a pod?
A This can be confusing as some companies call capsules pods, when the pod is actually something entirely different. Coffee pods are essentially a pad of coffee wrapped in filter paper. With the coffee pod you have water going through the filter on both sides, and this makes the coffee taste different. The capsule is just like brewing a fresh pot of coffee as you can control the elements around the brew chamber.
Q Is the coffee used in capsules similar to instant coffee?
A No, not at all, the coffee used in capsules is freshly ground espresso beans
Q How does the coffee stay fresh?
A The coffee capsules are flushed with CO2 to retain their freshness
Q Do I need a capsule machine to use them?
A Each coffee capsule brand uses a different design so it is important you check which design your machine is compatible with. Capsules can be used with traditional espresso machines, you just need a capsule converter handle
Q What are the benefits of using capsules?
A Capsules are a great choice if you would like to ensure consistency in your coffee offering without extensive barista training. Since the coffee in the capsules is already perfectly ground the user doesn't need to worry about this step in the coffee preparation process. They also allow users to offer different coffee blends, and decaffeinated options, without needing separate grinders for each blend.
We're proud to say that our coffee capsules are biodegradable (and always have been) and can be used with our Visacrem traditional espresso machines.