Adding value

You might be just starting out in the café bar industry, or perhaps you’re an old hand who’s seen and done it all, either way you can never afford to be complacent about your coffee business. Even if your business is thriving, it will always need the occasional tweak here and there.

For those without a degree in marketing jargon, value-added means extra features that the customer doesn’t expect, but with little to no extra cost. For example, in a down-to-earth café this could mean free books, board games and treats for dogs.

Another way of adding value is to offer something different on your menu, after all, giving your customers a surprise ‘wow factor’ makes them more likely to talk about you.

Monin recipe


The more innovative you get with your value-added drinks, the more you’ll distinguish your cafe from competitors. We love products that allow our customers to experiment and innovate, here’s some ideas from Monin to get you started:

Monin Black Forest


Monin Gingerbread


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